Created and Called


“As each of you has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace... In order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To Him be glory and dominion forever. Amen.” (1 Peter 4:10-11)

One of our 4 Core Values at The River is Contribution, embracing God's call to strengthen the church and her mission through the thoughtful stewarding of our time, gifts/passions, and material resources. We believe that God has gifted every person with skills, passions, and abilities, and that both individuals and the church are at their best when there are opportunities to exercise those in a meaningful way.

Whether you are new to serving in a church or have years of experience, we would love to find a place that’s a good fit for you and where you will thrive.


Below are listed various ongoing serving opportunities within our community. If you have a gift, passion, or talent that would like to use to serve the church, we want to hear about it! Fill out the form above or email so we can discuss more.

Kids' Community

Godly Play Storyteller or Doorperson

Teach or assist in one of our elementary classrooms and build relationship with kids.
Serving Schedule: One month on, one month off

Infant/Toddler Caregiver

Provide a safe, welcoming, fun environment for our youngest community members. 
Serving Schedule: Every other week

Kids' Community Roamer 

Support our children's ministry by assisting with children’s bathroom trips, parent calls, greeting families, and assisting new families in the lobby before service.
Serving Schedule: Once a month

Youth Group 

Youth Leader

Regular volunteer, mentor, and leader within the youth group on Sunday mornings and/or Sunday evening.
Time Commitment: Weekly - 3 to 4 hours per week, 1 year hard commitment

River Cafe

Cafe Team Member

Help prepare the coffee and tea, or pick up the donuts and fruit, for The River Cafe.
Serving Schedule: Once or twice a month for either 1st or 2nd service.


Usher or Connector on the Hospitality Team

We are looking for friendly faces to help others feel seen, known, and embraced into our community.
Serving Schedule: Once or twice a month for either 1st or 2nd service.

Special Events Team

There is something special about being able to gather together over food. If you enjoy organizing, hosting, or helping with events, we'd love to learn more about your interests in this area.
Time Commitment: Periodically

Sunday Production

Tech Team Volunteer

Support our Sunday services by serving in the Audio/Video/Lights booth.
Serving Schedule: Once a month for both services, 1 year minimum commitment appreciated

Compassion and Justice

River and Shalom Grocery Deliveries

Volunteers pick up food from Reaching Out Center food pantry in their vehicles, half of groceries are stored at the River Church for evening team (Wed 5pm), other half is delivered to River & Shalom families that morning.
Time Commitment: 2nd & 4th Tuesdays 8:30 - 10:30am

Willows Grocery Delivery Truck Driver

Truck driver picks up truck pre-loaded with groceries from City Team facilities and meets volunteer team at the Willows apartments, Volunteers unload truck (returns to city Team) and delivers groceries.
Time Commitment: 4th Wednesday, 6:15-7pm

Willows Grocery Deliveries

Truck driver picks up truck pre-loaded with groceries from City Team facilities and meets volunteer team at the Willows apartments, Volunteers unload truck and delivers groceries.
Time Commitment: 4th Wednesday 6:45-7:30pm 

Small Groups

Small Group Leader

Take ownership and oversee leadership for a group of 6-15 adults who meet weekly or bi-weekly for the purposes of shared life and spiritual formation. A small group leader should be familiar with the various components of group life (facilitating discussion and prayer, 1:1 follow-up/mentoring, mobilization of a group toward mission) but is not expected to lead out in all of them all the time.
Time Commitment: 2-5 hrs/week depending on frequency of group meeting and whether you teach/lead the content for 1-year (renewable).

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