Next Steps

Ways to Dive into The River

We’re glad you’re interested in diving deeper into The River!  Our hope you find a place of purpose and belonging.
here are some ways you might do just that...

I want to EXPLORE

  • Pick up a printed Rundown in the lobby to learn about upcoming events
  • Add yourself to our weekly email newsletter list   
  • Come to a Newcomer’s event to meet some of our staff team and other church leaders. Email to be notified about the next event.
  • Come to River 101 to hear about our history and core values (2 session course on Sundays offered in the Fall and Spring) -- you can register for River 101 here
  • Talk or meet with a staff member in person (email us at and we will connect you)

I want to BELONG

  • Join an ongoing Small Group  -- please fill out our Small Group Interest Form so we can find a good small group match for you!
  • Join an ongoing  Serving Team -- please fill out our Serving Interest Form so we can find a good service opportunity match for you!
  • Connect with the Young Adult community -- please contact for more information

I want to PARTNER

Become a River Partner (our version of membership) and share in a sense of ownership at The River. Click HERE to learn more about Partnership.

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