Advent 2024 

Waiting -- we often see it as wasted time, an inconvenient pause in our busy lives. Yet the season of Advent invites us to discover something profound in the practice of waiting. This year we are inviting people to a practicing of Waiting for the Dawn. A short booklet with suggestions and guidance can be found at the link below (and copies are available on Sunday morning).


Advent Booklet


Advent Spiritual Coaching

As you engage with our Advent practice "The Gift in Waiting", thoughts and feelings about waiting on God will surface. We invite you to consider scheduling a conversation with a spiritual coach from our community.


Advent Spiritual Coaching


Advent Giving

Each year we invite the church to participate in giving an extra gift during the season of Advent to a few of our ministry partners.


Learn more about Advent Giving campaign


Advent Art

Once again, our Compassion & Justice team is presenting a contemplative art engagement as part of our experience of Advent. There are pieces from international artists inspired by our lectionary text and pieces that will be created by River artists in our service. These will be on the left side of the Sanctuary.

Two suggested methods to contemplate, are Visio Divina (long) or viewing the art and reading the artists interpretation (short).

Visio Divina

GAZING Consider the image or object before you. Look slowly and thoroughly, taking a first glance, noting the colors, movement, textures, people, places and things. Remain with the image for a time. When you are ready, allow those sights and thoughts to pass by, making space for the inner eye of the heart to open and interact with the image.

RESPONDING Respond to the image with prayer. Did the image remind you of an experience, person or issue for which you’d like to offer thanksgiving or intercession? Did it open a new awareness, or spark a conviction? Offer that prayer to God. 

REFLECTING Take a second, deeper look. Rest in the presence of the image; allow the image to reach beyond the intellect and into an unconscious level. What truth does it hold for you? Engage your imagination. Where are you in the artwork? What do you see from that perspective? You may also journal, and/or use these questions to inspire your reflections: How does this image inform or illuminate your relationship with God? How does it speak to your spiritual journey? How does this experience support your willingness to be opened, to be healed? 

RESTING Respond to the image with prayer. Did the image remind you of an experience, person or issue for which you’d like to offer thanksgiving or intercession? Did it open a new awareness, or spark a conviction? Offer that prayer to God.

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